Wednesday, 18 May 2011


Who will you be in the future? How do you want to experience life? Will you be more kind, gentle, forgiving, tolerant and loving? Or will you continue to give your power away to the fear and doubt that is so prevalent right now in our society?  The choice is ultimately yours.  
Might we suggest a resolution to love unconditionally? (No need to wait until New Year's when "every moment of every day is a new beginning" - H. Becker)  Within you is an unlimited supply of love and you hold the key to its release.  Fear and doubt, anger and hate, have no more control over our lives than we allow.  Can it be that simple?  It really is.  Loving is a choice we can make every moment.
Begin with yourself.  Realize that you are a powerful, spiritual and angelic being and can create with love.  Take care of your thoughts and feelings and make sure they reflect the positive you.  Also observe your actions and insure that they have a loving intent too.
Even when our emotions get the best of us and the stress and concerns of life become a bit overwhelming, just remember we have tools of forgiveness, meditation, visualization and letting go to assist us in overcoming the negative experiences we encounter each day.  Some things just are not worth worrying about or holding on to.
When you are clear and receptive to your own higher, loving nature, you can then direct this love to people and places around you.  Your peace becomes the peace for others.  Your love becomes the love other people feel.
Be the angel you are and choose to live freely and joyfully.  In doing so, you make this a better world to live and love in!